Can You Handle It?

January 20, 2014

I want to thank my family, my friends, and my co-workers, both in the Army, the police department, and with Homeland Security for their support, their letters of encouragement, and for keeping the faith -- and, my baseball buddies. And a special thanks to the Hayes, Simon, and Hampton families for looking out for my love ones, for being there when I couldn’t be and accepting my family as their own.  Sometimes in life we all go through difficult challenges, we all have disappoints and heartaches; but the difficult in thing in life is not that we face insurmountable odds, but how we handle it.   How does a person handle cancer who doesn’t have health insurance?  How does a single mother who doesn't have a job feed her family?  How does a kid who is bullied in school summon the courage to stand up to their bully?  It’s how you handle it that makes you who you are.  It’s one of the ways in which character is built.

Whenever you stand in the breach, you can expect to become a target, so standing is not an option.  Justice is the goal and the courtroom becomes the battlefield.  I’m not a lawyer but I read somewhere that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protects us all.  And, so today my prison journey continues, but I hope to be a free man soon.    I hope to return to my family and my friends a better man, and not allow prison to break my spirit or destroy what is most precious to me, my family. 


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Can You Trust It?