Can You Trust It?

December 31, 2013

Today is December 31, 2013.  In order for a just society to truly succeed, we must trust our judicial system.  When we find out that that bond of trust has been broken with lies and perjury and false statements, it erodes our confidence as it relates not just to who we are as people, but what the constitution truly stands for.  When people become fearful of trusting our judicial system, how does that system regain its citizen’s trust?  Can a sheep trust the wolf?, can the seal trust the shark?, can the zebra trust the lion?  And does our survival depend on mutual trust?  Those who break that bond of trust through “the color of state law” have set in motion the eroding of our American judicial system.  We will always have miscarriages of justice.  We will always have people in high places abuse the power.  The issue is what do we do as a people when we find out.  You cant just say that you have rights as an American citizen, you have to exercise those rights.  And in 2014, we always should exercise our rights. 


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